Sunday, 6 May 2012

Chemotherapy #6

Yes!!!!! Half way through chemotherapy! That's right, 50% DONE!

The relief I felt when the 5FU pump was taken down on Friday was immense. I spent 4 nights in hospital. This is 1 night longer than I should have.

Some clever soul had lost my chemotherapy chart from my previous stay on those wards. This meant that the chemo wasn't ordered in on time and wasn't ready on Tuesday when I was due to have it. The oncologist seemed impressed with how healthy my bloods were and I was very keen to get this one out of the way. Bit disappointed I was taking up a hospital bed for no reason. Next day my chemo chart was found and things were back on track.

I'm now in somewhat of a R&R period before I embark on 25 sessions of 5 days a week radiotherapy. I think (but still have to clarify with my Oncologist) that I will be free of treatment for the entirety of May. This will give my body time to get all it's reserves back up ready to be zapped in the area where my tumour was.

The reason I'm having radiotherapy is because a small part of the tumour had attached to my abdominal wall, the surgeon was very confident that he'd removed everything, the margins of healthy tissue are clear - its just a case of frying anything microscopic
that may or may not still be there. As I've mentioned before, I'm having the works thrown at me.

It's now a week since chemo #6 started and I'm still having abdominal pain but this is due to the 5FU chemo really attacking that area and the previous blockage still causing a bit of tenderness. Neuropathy is becoming more of a hindrance - the slightest hint of cold and my fingers and toes feel like they're being stabbed. I normally find a hot water bottle and a thick pair of socks helps. Although these symptoms aren't that pleasant, I'd happily put up with these for the rest of my life for years worth of all clear results!

I'm going to get lots of rest, eat well and try and get out for a little bit of exercise before my next phase of treatment. I want to be the strongest I can be for radiotherapy. Oh and do lots of retail therapy!

Hayley x

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