Wednesday 29 August 2012

Things I want to do and will do!

I'm in serious countdown mode until treatment finishes. Including today, it's 37 days until my last pump is removed and I will be chemo forever (fingers very much crossed.) I have to fit three more sessions in that time, I'm starting to find it a little more difficult each time to shake the side effects, but that's to be expected with the cumulation of chemo in my system. I keep the mantra ~this is not forever, this feeling is transient~ going around in my noggin. Hard sometimes when I'm feeling green around the gills, but I do try!

Things that help me through the nausea, pain and neuropathy are that the following things are going to happen before Christmas;

A make up day in London with Bryony and Alice (most probably a couple of glasses of bubbly thrown in for good measure.)

A spa day with Jo and Veri, us girls really need this.

A trip up to Yorkshire to stay with Emma, we'll also be planning our road trip next year to the west coast of the USA.

A getaway for just me and Paul.

Cooking many dinners for friends and family, getting back to one of the most pleasurable of things for me to do.

Setting up a new blog, it'll most likely feature food, recipes and pictures of what I like to cook and bake.

Meet new friends I've made through this journey. Cancer has few benefits, but I've had the fortune to get to know many very wonderful people also affected by this disease. It's truly a humbling experience and I'm very much looking forward to meeting these people in real life.

Volunteer work for various charities, I want to give back and support people who have been affected by cancer.

RETURN TO WORK (before this year is out - again, fingers crossed!!!) I'm itching to get back.

So, quite a busy three months leading up to Christmas. I feel like a new lease of life is heading my way and I'm going to grasp it with both hands and treasure every minute of it!

Hayley x

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